I made these cards with a knife, carefully cutting away. I like the non-standard shapes they are for Christmas cards. I love the detail and I may try making more complex ones. I gave them out to friends and family.
I love the intricate connections and flowing shapes created in these designs. I like how the in-relief style makes it stand out, they leap out from the page~! They seem so fragile and precisely made, and they also have a delicate style to them, which I like.
Incredibly delicate and fragile, these are like fairy tales come to life, with all the fairy magic you could wish for! They are so beautifully made by very delicately cutting into books, you can feel the care and attention that must have gone into them.
I love how intricate these are... its amazing how balanced everything is so nothing breaks! The branches hold themselves up perfectly, like real trees.
Some raspberries of mine starting going mouldy, so instead of throwing them out I kept them to see the result. These are some of the pictures I took. There is some surprisingly nice detail, mould can be really beautiful sometimes~!
Love it! Bite it! Famous buildings of the world built with dog chews - it took me a while to notice that. The level of detail is so big, and how haphazard parts of it seem, its like a hurricane blew through.
This is a sculpture by artist Liu Wei. Its a 2 metre long poo which seems to be made with toy soldiers. I love how repulsive it seems from a distance, but when you get close you see all the fantastic intricate detail~!